Getting Ready…

This is is my first post on my Appalachian Trail Adventure blog. I’m thinking that today marks the official start on my glide path to a May 1st take off on the AT. Just returned from a great two week vacation. Week one was an expedition to the Galapagos Islands with Stephanie and many of our local Cooperstown friends. Week two was a great relaxing week in Florida with my sister Jane, Steve and Grandpa.


Four Amigos


Beautiful Florida day

Yesterday was a nice hike up to Star  Field in the snow. Much warmer today with a hike to the back trails of Clark Tower with Stephanie.  It’s so nice to live in an area with lots of hills,  which is great  training for the AT




White blazing on the Clark Tower Trail. (NOT the AT !)



Here are some photos of recent hikes in the Cooperstown area. More to come.


  1. Mike Bauer · February 29, 2016

    Great local photos. Keep walking.


    • Ken B. · April 19, 2016

      Mike – It was great talking to you yesterday!! Wishing you an adventure of a lifetime, and with every step and turn along the way may you attain greater and greater heights!! Be SAFE, take CARE, and ENJOY!! Ken.


      • Mike Bauer · April 20, 2016

        Thanks for the kind thoughs Ken. Great talking to you too!


  2. ericandpabloknight · March 3, 2016

    Mike, happy to be your inaugural non-family follower Eric knight


  3. Ken B. · April 19, 2016

    Mike – Great talking to you yesterday!! Wishing you an adventure of a lifetime and may every step along your journey take you to greater and greater heights! Be SAFE, take CARE, and ALL THE BEST!! Ken.


  4. Martin Wolf · April 20, 2016

    I hope to see you see someday. The funeral was the only time we’ve met in the last 30 or so years. I enjoyed your recital, which your father sent to me.


  5. Leslie Breiten · April 22, 2016

    You go, Mike. I am looking forward to following your travels and experiences. It’s just one foot in front of the other. Love you! Leslie aka mama bear


  6. Alicia Wiswell · April 25, 2016

    Good Luck and Godspeed – have a GREAT time!!


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